To investigate the potential predictors of motor coordination (MC) of the paretic lower limb with stroke subjects, as assessed by the Lower Limb Motor Coordination Test (LEMOCOT). interventions aimed at improving MC of the lower limbs after stroke. Many factors may predict impairments in motor coordination (MC) and the identifications of these factors could help rehabilitation professionals to select variables to be considered in the evaluation and. Once again working with producer Mário Caldato, Jr., who contributed beats to previous efforts A Procura da Batida Perfeita and Meu Samba é Assim, D2 calls on a wide variety of guest artists from the world of MPB - including Seu Jorge (on two tracks), Roberta Sá, and Marcos Valle - and collaborates with West Coast indie MC Medaphor on the bilingual 'Kush.' Never the most imaginative lyricist, D2 spins verses that center on partying, recreational drug use - marijuana mainly, which has been his trademark since his days with the Cypress Hill-inspired crew Planet Hemp - and the dreams of Brazil's favela-dwelling youth.It is well recognized that the negative motor impairments following upper motor neuron damage, e.g., loss of strength and dexterity (motor coordination), mostly contribute to disability.

His fourth album, A Arte do Barulho (literally, 'The Art of Noise'), ironically, has little to do with noise but does see the solo rapper incorporating more stylistic elements, including techno and even alt-rock, into his hip-hop/samba formula. Arguably the most popular commercial rap artist in Brazil, Marcelo D2 has built his reputation on an ability to marry the fundamentals of American hip-hop with a production sound rooted in distinctively Brazilian musical styles - principally samba.